Saturday, September 25, 2010

Open Qualifier

The open qualifier startd with us arriving at the field at 7:15am. It was sunny and hot with not much wind. There were around 150 dogs in D/A and about 50 dogs in freestyle. Mya went 13th in D/A and had a very good round and was about 3 inches from a geat round. One catch for 5.5 points was about just out. She ended up with a 19.5 which turned out to be the high score for the first round!

Colt was next up in freestyle aand went 25th. He did pretty well. He was so wound up!!! He had some misses early on but settled down toward the end of the routine. We did 2 minutes even though we only have about 60seconds of a routine put together. Toward the end of the routine, I decided to throw a skip throw. I've never thrown a skip in a competition like this and have never thrown one for Colt, but he caught it!! Afterward Denise said at first she thought I made a horrible throw into the ground!!! Colt had a blast and ended up in 44th place.

Colt then went 126th in D/A. I threw 30 yarders for him because I wanted for him to have success. He caught 4 out of 5 throws missing one early one. That caused him to miss the cut. The cut was 14 and Colt had a 14. But he did great and will be ready for the real thing on Sunday.

Mya was next in D/A and we went last in the final round because we were in the lead. We ended up with a bad round... just one of those things.  She jumped early on the first throw and missed it. She caught the second for a 3.5 points and then caught the third throw for 5 and missed the fourth (not sure why) and with the two misses we didn't have time for a fifth throw. In hindsight, I should have floated the throws a little more but I think I was being conservative with lower throws to make sure they stayed in bounds and that probably cost us. So we ended up missing the cut which was disappointing but those are the breaks and we will get after them tomorrow in freestyle.

I need to get some pictures for today.

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