Monday, September 27, 2010

Skyhoundz 2010 World Championships Open Freestyle

Mya and I competed in the Open Freestyle Division on Saturday. There were around 29 teams competing in the world finals. The conditons were pretty good, mostly overcast and not very windy. We were the fifth team to compete. Our routine started off with a three misses, then we had a solid streak and ended up with a couple of more toward the very end. Definately not a good enough round for the world finals and it ended us up in last place and resulted in us having the lowest freestyle score of the day. I also had an issue where I was scambling for a disc at the end that had to hurt us too.

Our D/A round was less than stellar. We had three good catches. Mya jumped early and missed one and I had one throw drift out of bounds and we ended up with a 11 which moved us up a little.

Blaidden lending some moral suport after our poor first round.

Our second round of freestyle went a lot better with only two misses that were spread out. Everything flowed really well and my disc management was very good. Mya did a great job with the routine with one miss being on her end and one being on me. We scored about 4.5 points higher in our second round and we ended up in 23rd for the day. If we had done as well in our first round and had scored higher in D/A we could have been in the middle of the pack.

I think to move up more in Skyhoundz we would need to get some more wow with more air. I did that some early in Mya's career but stopped because I just wasn't comfortable with it. I want her to be healthy and good at 14. We are more about flow and diversity of tricks and diversity of throws. Maybe we will fair better at the USDDN finals in about three weeks.

Nate, Mya and I at the awards ceremony

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