Monday, October 13, 2008

This blog covers Mya's Excellent Disc Doggin' Adventure.

Mya and I will be traveling to the USDDN finals in Cartersville, GA
and then on down to Hilton Head, SC for a few days.

After that, we will be off to the UFO World Cup Finals in Daytona Beach, FL!!!!

1 comment:

discdogfreak said...

Wow Mark I am so darn jealous. My dogs would love the beach. Funny she was chasing the birds!! GO MYA!! It's a wonder she didn't catch one. I know if I would let Nitro off leash he would be swimming to who knows where!!! I would just have to wave bye!!

Great job as the USDDN Finals!! Wish I could have been there to see you and Denise play. Maybe next time.

HAVE FUN AND BE CAREFUL. Give that Mya a hug from me. She is so sweet and beautiful.
Jack, Nitro, Loco, Fury, Matrix, Dusty and 4 foster dogs!!!